Collapse dynamics: Phase transitions in complex social systems

A good presentation and follow-up discussion on collapse and phase transitions in complex social systems. video is available here

The Hangover

Watched 'The Hangover' this week and it was absolutely brilliant! I didn't expect much initially since 'funny' movies are generally a hit & miss affair (with mostly misses). But this one hit the spot allright!

I guess 'The hangover' is best described as a chick flick for guys, although somehow that doesn't sound quite right. Anyway don't take this movie too seriously and enjoy the ride!

The Hangover joins Superbad and Choke on my sweet and short list of recent movies that are actually and genuinely funny. (+ it has some of the best ending credits ever)


Home is a non-profit movie about the earth and our place as a species in it. I just finished watching it today and must say this is not an amateur project. It is available over bittorrent (legally) in full 1280x720 HD and contains some of the most stunning visuals of our planet that I have ever seen. bar none. It succeeds in fitting together many pieces of the sustainability puzzle and is well narrated with an equally great soundtrack.

HOME feels like a modern day Koyaanisqatsi (albeit with narration). Sustainability is almost certainly the challenge of our generation, and it is a global one. As such it is almost your *duty* to watch this movie. So it's a good thing that it is an absolute pleasure to watch!

Cave Story (PSP)

Just installed the free (as in beer) game Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) on my PSP. This is a really fun an polished old school platformer game. Maybe I'm getting old but this game has me using the PSP more than any commercial game I've played on it in the last 2 years. It is *that* good!

There seem to be ports available for a wide range of systems, so If you have the chance - pick it up and try it out :)

Coraline 3D

Okay, so I'm a *huge* fan of 3D movies. One of our local cinema's in Dublin ( has recently been outfitted with a circular polarized 3D projection system.

So far I've seen a couple of movies in 3D including Bolt and the Nightmare before Christmas. But Coraline is the first movie that completely blew me away in the 3D department! Beautiful animations (combined 3D and stop motion?) with great depth effects, and not importantly a wonderful story that has great depth and a lot of soul.

If you have the chance to see it in 3D, see it. If you don't, see it anyway. :P

Drag me to Hell

Got the chance to see Drag me to Hell this weekend. To be honest the title scared me away at first because I have grown very tired of the recent horror movies such as Saw XXIV and other trash.

Luckily, Drag me to Hell does not fit this mold and turned out to be a really enjoyable horror experience. And if that looks like a contradiction to you - go and see it! :)